Acta Mediaevalia. Series Nova is an annual journal published by the Centre for Medieval Studies, affiliated with the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Poland. The journal, established at the end of 2023, draws upon the distinguished tradition of the 'Acta Mediaevalia' serial publication, which started exactly 50 years earlier in 1973. In its new form as an academic journal, Acta Mediaevalia. Series Nova publishes scholarly articles in thematic volumes, covering the Middle Ages (with particular reference to Central and Eastern Europe), as well as critical editions and book reviews, all of which fall within the chronological scope of ca. 700 – ca. 1550. Critical editions are published in Latin with introductions and commentaries in English, French or German. Articles and book reviews are published exclusively in English, French and German.


The scholarly journal ‘Archiwa, Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne’ (ABMK) is a publishing house of the Institute of Church Archives, Libraries and Museums of the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin. The periodical has been published continuously since 1959. The journal was founded by Fr Romuald Gustaw OFM, the Director of the Catholic University of Lublin Library and Rev. Stanisław Librowski, the Director of the Diocesan Archive in Włocławek, who also became the editor-in-chief of the periodical. The three first volumes of ABMK were released as quarterly journals. Since 1962 (the fourth volume), the journal has been published twice a year.  The journal is of a unique character as it publishes articles from three areas: archive studies, library science and museology. All refer to the cultural institutions of the Catholic Church.

The original version is the electronic version.


"The Biblical Annals" is the official scholarly journal of the Institute of Biblical Studies at the Faculty of Theology, the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Poland. It is dedicated to biblical studies and it is divided into the following sections: Old Testament, Intertestamental Literature, New Testament, Varia, Review Articles, Book Reviews, and Biblical News. The journal covers fields of research such as biblical archeology, history, exegesis, philology, hermeneutics, literary studies, studies on culture and religion, and theological studies. It is aimed at presenting the research of Polish and international scholars focusing on problems and methodologies current in the contemporary biblical studies. The articles and reviews are published in Polish, English, Italian, French, and German. (więcej)


"The Exile History Review" was established in 2021 at the Centre for Research on the History of the Polish Government-in-Exile at the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin. The yearbook collects articles and materials concerning the European migrations in the 20th century, escpecially political emigrations from East-Central Europe during World War II and the Cold War.


Ethos is an international multidisciplinary quarterly. Its successive monographic volumes address philosophical problems significant to contmeporary culture and discuss them in the light of the humanities. The leading field of study is philosophy, in particular philosophical anthropology and ethics. 


LingBaW. Linguistics Beyond and Within is a peer-reviewed online journal, published annually by the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Poland. LingBaW is an outlet for original scholarly research conducted by linguists of different persuasions. It is meant to capture the latest advances in language studies and the enthusiasm of contemporary debate on current topics in linguistics. LingBaW illuminates universal and system-specific patterns as well as variety in the structure and use of natural languages. The journal is intended to promote the most excellent language-oriented projects of international scholarship. Contributions focused on the recent theoretical developments and innovative applications of research findings can be published in the form of both full-scale articles and shorter reviews. Hence, we invite all linguists to submit their articles to LingBaW and in this way enrich the forum of linguistic dialogue.


The journal "Nowe Tendencje w Zarządzaniu" ("Recent Trends in Management") is focused on identifying new trends, phenomena and regularities appearing in the broadly understood discipline of management. In particular, it is about recognizing current social problems, problems faced by organizations and in particular enterprises and proposing appropriate solutions.

The journal was published in 2021-2022.


Based on the decision of the Faculty Council at the Off-Campus Faculty of Law and Economic Sciences in Stalowa Wola „Law and Economics Review” was founded on  21st of May 2007. Since October 2019 the Editorial Team operates in Lublin, within the Institute of Economics and Finance structure. Objectives and scope „Law and Economics Review” quarterly publishes  theoretical and practical academic research in law, economics, finance, and management. The Journal provides a platform to discuss current problems in these fields, both for Polish and international researchers. The Editorial Team accepts original articles both in English and Polish that present thorough scientific research and respect ethical standards.  Publishing work in „Law and Economics Review” is free of charge.



Quêtes littéraires is an international journal published since 2011 by the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin and Werset Publishing House. The journal is a forum for exchange of ideas concerning French and Francophone literary studies, we invite all researchers whose work focuses on this field.



Review of European and Comparative Law (RECoL, formerly Review of Comparative Law) is issued as a journal publishing articles in English written by Polish and foreign authors. The Review also serves as a discussion forum in a broader international context. Moreover, it provides an opportunity to present Polish juridical output abroad. As the name of the periodical suggests, the intention of the Editors is to present legal institutions in the European and comparative perspective.


Studies and Analyses of Political Science, (‘Studia i Analizy Nauk o Polityce’, in Polish) – a periodical (biannual) affiliated with the Faculty of Social Science of the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin. It has been published since 2020. The journal is issued biannually, only in the online version. It provides an important academic forum for the presentation of studies, extended and in-depth analyses and the evaluation of key political, military and economic issues at global, regional and local levels. Publications, having both scientific and practical value, include articles, research reports, reviews and polemics.  Studies and Analyses of Political Science is a journal publishing articles in Polish, English and Ukrainian .


“Studia Nauk Teologicznych PAN” (Studies of Theological Sciences) is an annual published by the Committee on Theological Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences.  The journal has been published since 2006. The journal presents theological and religiological papers, as well as texts concerning related disciplines. From 2006 to 2022, the co-publisher of the journal was the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin.

Current website of the journal:


Studia Prawnicze KUL (the KUL Journal of Legal Studies) (ISSN 1897-7146) is a quarterly issued by the Faculty of Law, Canon Law and Administration of the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin. The quarterly serves the publication of studies in the disciplines of legal studies and canon law. They allow the exchange of knowledge and legal experience referring to both new socio-economic phenomena and to a detailed historical and comparative legal analysis of such phenomena, with particular attention to the legal achievements of Western and Eastern Europe’s civilization.

The objective of the journal is to disseminate, on an open-access basis, the results of studies performed by lawyers at a national or international level, including the analyses of socio-economic phenomena related to Eastern European countries including Ukraine.

The texts are published in English, Polish, Russian and Ukrainian.
Studia Prawnicze KUL (the KUL Journal of Legal Studies) is released four times a year (by 31 March, 30 June, 30 September and 31 December).

The Journal does not charge any fees to the authors for submitting, reviewing and publishing articles.


Studia z Prawa Wyznaniowego (Studies in Law on Religion) is an annual journal published on behalf of John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin. It aims to publish scholarship (written in Polish or in English) on legal aspects of religious freedom and relations between the state and churches and other religious organizations. Special attention is given to Polish law. Many contributions, however, investigate issues relating to the law of other states, legal regulations of the European Union and international legal protection of freedom of thought, conscience and religion. Besides research articles, the journal also publishes commentaries on case law, book reviews and conference reports, as well as translations and presentations of source documents.


Existing since 2004, the scientific journal "TEKA of the Commission of Polish-Ukrainian Cultural Associations" is a peer-reviewed scientific journal and the only periodical of this type in Europe. Its primary goal is to create a platform for scientific discourse on the interaction of neighboring cultures, Polish and Ukrainian, in the field of language, literature, history and broadly understood culture. It is therefore a multidisciplinary journal, and its authors are specialists in linguistics, literature studies, glottodidactics, history of art, folklore, ethnography and ethnology, anthropology, and religious studies. The magazine has played and still plays an important role in shaping a friendly atmosphere between the neighboring countries at the level of science and culture, which is of great importance for both nations, because the creation of good relations through "Teka..." is not affected by current trends or political tensions. Works are most often published in Polish and Ukrainian, due to the nature of the magazine and the circle of its recipients, articles in English are willingly accepted, there is a possibility of publication in Russian. Each article is reviewed by two specialists using the double blind review procedure. The editors allow the possibility of issuing special issues of the magazine in 2-3 year intervals.


"Theology in Poland" is a scientific journal presenting the results of research in the field of systematic theology in relation to contemporary scientific, cultural, and social challenges. It was founded by fr. Stanisław Celestyn Napiórkowski and performed a function of a bulletin for the theologian community. Since 2007, "Theology in Poland" has been a strictly scientific periodical, appearing twice a year. Since then, the journal has become the official journal of the Society of Dogmatics Theologians. "Theology in Poland" contains theological studies carried out mainly by Polish dogmatic theologians, being a platform for a scientific debate for Polish theologians. In addition to the article section, the journal also contains reports and reviews. Texts are published in Polish, as well as in English, and other languages. "Theology in Poland" is published twice a year, in printed and electronic version.


Published since 2002, "Verbum Vitae" is a biblical-theological quarterly issued by the Institute of Biblical Studies of the Faculty of Theology, The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Poland. The first and third fascicles of each issue of the journal include scholarly articles dedicated to a specific theological theme. Each topic can be broaden out into its multiple connections and implications, mostly dogmatic, moral, pastoral, liturgical, or sociological. The second and fourth fascicles of the issue always consist of various theological articles, published in English, which do not deal with the main topic (specific theological theme) of the first and third fascicles. Because of the journal's interdisciplinary character, it seeks to include among the contributors not only biblical scholars but also theologians of various specializations. "Verbum Vitae" is classified as Q1 in Religious Studies according to Scimago Journal & Country Rank. 


VOX PATRUM is a patristic journal (quarterly), published since 1981, first by the Institute of Research on Christian Antiquity of the Catholic University of Lublin, then (since 1 October 2012) by the Section of Church History and Patrology of the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin. "Vox Patrum" is the only kind of so specialist journal in Poland, focused on early Christianity and Byzantium, well-known in all patristic centres all over the world. The journal publishes scientific articles, bibliographies, translations, reviews, and documentation of the patristic life in Poland and all around the world. Rev. Dr hab. Stanisław Longosz was its founder and the first editor-in-chief.


"Zeszyty Naukowe Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego Jana Pawła II" (abbreviation: ZNKUL) is a quarterly journal published since 1957 by the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin. The journal publishes scientific articles in Polish and congress languages primarily in the core discipline which is sociological sciences. The texts of authors representing other social sciences may also be sent in, provided that they raise issues in the field of sociology of values and broadly understood social and cultural axiology. (more).


Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Nauk Społecznych w Lublinie ukazują się od 2014 r. i mają na celu upowszechnianie oraz popularyzowanie dorobku naukowo-badawczego z zakresu nauk społecznych, nauk medycznych i nauk o zdrowiu, jak również dyscyplin pokrewnych. Zeszyty Naukowe WSNS są czasopismem otwartym, w którym prace mogą publikować zarówno pracownicy Wyższej Szkoły Nauk Społecznych w Lublinie, jak i autorzy zewnętrzni. Zeszyty Naukowe WSNS ukazują się raz w roku. Wersją pierwotną czasopisma jest wersja drukowana.